1st Faculty of Medicine Charles University 1st Faculty of Medicine Charles University Institute of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology

Main activities

The Institute ensures pregraduate education of forensic medicine for students of general medicine and dentistry in the 4th year-class. Further, it provides education of duly elective subject "Analytical toxicology" for 3rd year-class  and "Fundamentals of toxicology" for 2nd year-class in general medicine and odontology. Analytical toxicology is at the same time taught as required subject for students of Faculty of Science of Charles University in accredited branch "Clinical and Toxicological analysis". Forensic medicine is taught  as duly elective subject on Faculty of Law, Charles University and on Police Academy of Czech Republic. 
Scientific activity and research  
Scientific activity is connected with postgraduate scientific education and it is aimed on pathomorphology, forensic traumatology and forensic toxicology. Studies trace early pathomorphologic changes of sudden and violent deaths, morphogenesis and ethiopathogenensis of atherosclerosis, survey on identification persons e.g . post - translational modification proteins in relation to age, organization of Disaster Victim Identification teams (DVI teams), forensic odontology, identification of spots of biological origin; biomechanics, detection of pathologic changes in consequence of abuse of illicit drugs. Toxicological research is aimed to systematic up - dating and dispersion of laboratory diagnostics of acute intoxication and detection of addictive materials abuse in order to improve interpretation of findings with important health and forensic falls on an individual. Research includes monitoring of distribution of nox in organism, searching for and identification of new metabolites important for diagnostics and reading.
Medical care related activity 
Medical care related activity is bent on diagnostics of cause of sudden  and violent death, evaluation of correctness of provided treatment according to results of so called "health" autopsies eventually autopsies ordered according to ยง 115 of the Penal Code. Toxicological laboratory branch provides uninterrupted services in diagnostics at suspicion on acute intoxication, at verifications of the effectiveness of treatment poisonings, at detection of abuse of illicit drugs and observance of therapy.  

Next activity
The Institute is also assisting state administration by providing of objective proofs in forensic expert's report at investigation of suspicious criminal activities and provides tuition in the field of forensic medicine and toxicology according to needs.

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